You can go to various banks in Emmen with your questions. Whether you’re looking for a student account, loans, or financial advice, in Emmen we have everything you need to manage your finances during your studies.
Take advantage of special student rates, convenient online banking options, and personalized advice to keep your finances running smoothly while you study.
International student
We recommend that you open a Dutch bank account for your in the Netherlands. This way you avoid high transaction costs and you get access to an online payment method that is linked to your bank account. The most popular online payment method in the Netherlands is iDEAL and is also used at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. iDEAL is similar to PayPal; Easy to use and safe.
To be eligible to open a bank account, you must be registered with NHL Stenden and you must be registered with the municipality as a resident of the municipality. You can easily open an account online. You will need digital copies of the following documents:
- Passport (no copy)
- Certificate of registration
- Citizen service number (BSN number)
- Rental contract
The choice of a bank is yours and we have listed links to the most important ones below.
- ASN Bank (page only available in Dutch)
- Rabobank (page in Dutch)
- SNS Bank (page in Dutch)